UNTAMED Motorcycle Tracking and Safety Devices
Brief description
Contemporary rallies are unimaginable without “additional devices” that ensure orientation, navigation, and most importantly, safety. Different rallies have developed various tracking and safety systems, or use different IT and other services and devices.
Our tracking and safety device(s) has been carefully chosen and/or developed to meet specific needs of our “Safety System” and needs of our riders, considering the terrain that dominates the Dinaric Alps and taking into account various scenarios we experienced as well as inputs / reviews of numerous riders during the previous Dinaric Rally’s editions.
These are the most important criteria that we adhered to during the development of our tracking and safety system(s):
- Safety is no.1 priority. The devices should also serve for timing/scoring purposes.
- The tracking / safety device is an addition to Safety System and must not be mistaken with Safety System itself. Safety system is complex system that contains numerous elements including: Safety Crew (that is experiences, skilled, equiped and prepared and knows the area well), Safety Plan(s), Safety Equipment, Safety Vechicles… which are all necessery for flowless functioning of the system even if technology fails.
- The devices we / riders use must be extremely user-friendly, and riders should intuitively grasp its operation.
- Easy mounting and straightforward maintenance/service are essential features.
- The device must be reliable and sturdy.
- The roadbook holds paramount importance as the “primary navigational device” during Rally Raid, as it is the sole repository of all vital information, including safety-related details. Therefore, during the rally racing, riders must focus their attention on “reading the terrain” and consulting the Roadbook. The tracking/safety device should complement safety aspects and should not be designed in a way that diverts the rider’s attention from the Roadbook. Its purpose is to enhance safety without compromising the crucial role of the Roadbook in guiding the riders through the rally course.
- The device must include the most vital and essential functionalities found in other standard rally devices.
- It should be priced more affordably for amateur riders.
- The device must be customized to suit the unique characteristics of the Dinaric Rally and navigation in the karst terrain of the Dinaric Alps.
Devices we use in out training
Over the years, we have continuously endeavored to enhance our safety system, which also involves certain upgrades to the devices/services encompassed by this system. For timing/scoring and safety (tracking and safety) in 2024, at the Dinaric Rally (and our other events and rallies), the following will be used:
- UNTAMED tracking device
- Terra Pirata – Rally Roadbooks App
Rent of the device(s)
- Rent of the tracking device is free of charge for all the training.
- Deposit of 100 eur for case of broken or lost device
Safety and Tracking
Main characteristics
1. Warning / informing riders, audio-visually (display + buzzer) about:
- Danger 3 (!!!) – The device will warn the riders, audio-visually, each time they are approaching Danger 3 (safety waypoint).
- Speeding – the device will warn the riders, audio-visually, each time they are riding over speed limit
- Start / FInish of the neutralization(s) – the device announce the riders when they get to the Start and Finish (Geo locations) of the neutralizations.
- Waypoint clearing – riders will be informed, audio-visually each time they get into the radios of any waypoint set on the track
- Out of time limit – the device will warn the riders, audio-visually, when / if they reach OTL
- other alerts
2. Live tracking application
Free, public live tracking application will be availible during the rally. Link for a live tracking will be send after all the riders will be registered for the rally.
3. Simple installation
Connect the device to the battery and fix it with zip ties. You only need quick connectors and a piece of electrical wire + fuse.
Instalation of the tracking device
Every vehicle participating in the drive must have a tracking device installed. With this tracking device, the safety team has an overview of the entire ride and can see you on the track.
- 1 m (or more) of electric wire (Ground and Power)
- 6.3 x 0.8 insulated FEMALE connectors / terminals
- 5A fuse, installed on the Power wire
- Zip Ties (good quality)
Make sure to have some Zip Ties with you and have some extra in case you need to repair those after a few days of riding or after your bike falls or similar.
In case of any problems or accidents, the Safety team uses the tracking device to locate you and comes to the rescue.
This is what the tracking device looks like:

On the device, 2 x MALE connectors (power and ground) are already installed.
Riders / drivers must prepare the wires and female connectors to connect the tracker to the battery according to this scheme:

MOTORCYCLES – it is recommended that the cable with female connectors (+ / -) be routed to the rear side of the seat, as such installation on motorcycles has proven to be the best and simplest.
QUAD and SSV – it is recommended to route the cable to the handlebars.

If you need any more information, feel free to reach out at [email protected]
Terra Pirata – Rally Roadbooks App
Rally Roadbooks is a digital roadbook navigation app. It is a “hybrid” sort of app that allows rider to navigate by the roadbook but with all the instruments, speed zones, waypoints, direction arrow, cap, etc.
It features intelligent scroll and screen lock. App is customizable to each rider’s preferences, and compatible will all the best bluetooth remotes.
Main features:
- Odometer & CAP Heading
- Waypoints & Speedzones
- Lexicon sheet
- Configurable cockpit
- Go-to-note function (with GPS)
- Lockable screen Sound cues (Sentinel function)
- Smart Scroll & Auto-recalibration
- It’s free for the riders
It’s important to understand that you can use this application on a suitable tablet as the “main” roadbook reader. However, if you prefer not to (because you use a paper roadbook or have a PDF reader you’re used to), you can simply disable the roadbook itself (choose PRO Rally mode) showing on the screen and use the application ONLY for alerts, speed limit warning waypoints and other important features. If you’re using the app only for alerts and not for reading the roadbook, having a small (but loud) mobile phone mounted somewhere on the handlebars is sufficient.
In any case, to get the most out of this roadbook training and to ensure safe riding, it’s mandatory to install Terra Pirata on your tablet/mobile phone and (if you don’t already have one) and to mount the device on the tower / handlebars of your motorcycle/ATV.